Serving Christ in South East Buckinghamshire


Below is a list of our churches with usual service times. For each Church there is an email link to the minister and a location map. For churches with a website click website. For more information on a church click on the name of the Church.    

Please note that there may be Sundays where your local church is either closed for worship to enable members to attend Circuit Services at other churches or where usual service times have been changed.

Please refer to the Circuit Plan and Newsletter, accessible from our Home Page, for the latest details of all services planned across the Circuit for the current quarter.

A Church in the heart of Old Amersham

Amersham Methodist Church
High Street, Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DY  
Services: 9.30am every Sunday
Minister: Rev. James Patterson  
 Map Amersham Methodist Church

Chesham MC

Chesham Methodist Church
Bellingdon Road,Chesham, Bucks HP5 2HA  
Services: 6pm on third Sunday and 11am every other Sunday
Minister: Rev. James Patterson
 Map Website   


Deanway United (Methodist and URC) Church
Deanway, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks HP8 4JH 
Services: 11am every Sunday
Minister: Rev. Adam Wells
 Map Deanway United Methodist URC    

The only Methodist Church in GX

Gerrards Cross Methodist Church
Oak End Way, Gerrards Cross, Bucks SL9 8BZ  
Services: 9.30am on second Sunday and 11am on other Sundays
Minister: Rev. Adam Wells
 Map Website   

The Church in the Centre of the Circuit

Little Chalfont Methodist Church
Chalfont Avenue, Little Chalfont, Bucks HP6 6RD 
Services: 9.30am on first and third Sundays, 11am on other Sundays and 6pm on last Sunday of the month.  
Minister: Rev. Adam Wells
                     Map Little Chalfont Methodist Church  

The most northerly Church in the Circuit Prestwood Methodist Church
High Street, Prestwood, Bucks HP16 9EY  
Services: 11am every Sunday
Minister: Rev. James Patterson
 Map Website