Local Preachers & Worship Leaders
Since the earliest days of Methodism in the time of John Wesley, Local Preachers have been an integral and important part of the Church. A Local Preacher is a lay person who feels called by God to lead worship and preach. This call is tested, they receive training and are given authority by the Methodist Connexion to conduct acts of worship on a regular basis.
Many Churches also appoint Worship Leaders. They assist the preacher or minister and can lead all aspects of a worship service except the Sermon or Holy Communion. Some Worship Leaders feel called to develop their skills in particular areas such as music or Messy Church. Worship Leaders usually work in just one Church.
In the Amersham Circuit there are four active Local Preachers, some of whom have given many years service to the Church. There is one active Worship Leader in the Circuit.
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